双向链表: list


1 list.h


struct mill_list_item {
    struct mill_list_item *next;
    struct mill_list_item *prev;

struct mill_list {
    struct mill_list_item *first;
    struct mill_list_item *last;

/* Initialise the list. To statically initialise the list use = {0}. */
void mill_list_init(struct mill_list *self);

/* True is the list has no items. */
#define mill_list_empty(self) (!((self)->first))

/* Returns iterator to the first item in the list or NULL if
   the list is empty. */
#define mill_list_begin(self) ((self)->first)

/* Returns iterator to one past the item pointed to by 'it'. */
#define mill_list_next(it) ((it)->next)

/* Adds the item to the list before the item pointed to by 'it'.
   If 'it' is NULL the item is inserted to the end of the list. */
void mill_list_insert(struct mill_list *self, struct mill_list_item *item, struct mill_list_item *it);

/* Removes the item from the list and returns pointer to the next item in the
   list. Item must be part of the list. */
struct mill_list_item *mill_list_erase(struct mill_list *self, struct mill_list_item *item);

当我们创建一个list时,我们创建一个struct mill_list变量,当我们要插入元素到list中时,实际上插入的是一个mill_list_item,当我们要遍历一个list时实际上是通过mill_list.first/last以及mill_list_item.next/prev来进行遍历。


我们要存储的结构体以struct Student为例,来演示一下上述操作:

// 自定义struct
struct Student {
    char *name;
    int age;
    int sex;
    struct list_mill_item item;

// 创建链表
struct mill_list students = {0};

// 添加元素到链表
struct Student stu_x = {.name="x", .age=10, .sex=0};
struct Student stu_y = {.name="y", .age=11, .sex=1};

mill_list_init(&students, &stu_x->item, NULL);
mill_list_init(&students, &stu_y->item, NULL);

// 遍历链表元素
struct mill_list_item *iter = students.first;
while(iter) {
    struct Student *stu = (struct Student *)mill_cont(iter, struct Student, item);
    printf("student name:%s, age:%d, sex:%d\n", stu->name, stu->age, stu->sex);

    iter = iter->next;

2 list.c

void mill_list_init(struct mill_list *self)
    self->first = NULL;
    self->last = NULL;

// 在链表self中在元素it前面插入item
void mill_list_insert(struct mill_list *self, struct mill_list_item *item, struct mill_list_item *it)
    item->prev = it ? it->prev : self->last;
    item->next = it;
        item->prev->next = item;
        item->next->prev = item;
    if(!self->first || self->first == it)
        self->first = item;
        self->last = item;

// 从链表self中删除元素item
struct mill_list_item *mill_list_erase(struct mill_list *self, struct mill_list_item *item)
    struct mill_list_item *next;

        item->prev->next = item->next;
        self->first = item->next;
        item->next->prev = item->prev;
        self->last = item->prev;

    next = item->next;

    item->prev = NULL;
    item->next = NULL;

    return next;

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