定时器: timer
1 timer.h
struct mill_timer {
// mill_list_item结合mill_cont来实现了list iterator
/* Item in the global list of all timers. */
struct mill_list_item item;
/* The deadline when the timer expires. -1 if the timer is not active. */
int64_t expiry;
/* Callback invoked when timer expires. Pfui Teufel! */
mill_timer_callback callback;
/* Test wheather the timer is active. */
#define mill_timer_enabled(tm) ((tm)->expiry >= 0)
/* Add a timer for the running coroutine. */
void mill_timer_add(struct mill_timer *timer, int64_t deadline, mill_timer_callback callback);
/* Remove the timer associated with the running coroutine. */
void mill_timer_rm(struct mill_timer *timer);
/* Number of milliseconds till the next timer expires. If there are no timers returns -1. */
int mill_timer_next(void);
/* Resumes all coroutines whose timers have already expired. Returns zero if no coroutine was resumed, 1 otherwise. */
int mill_timer_fire(void);
/* Called after fork in the child process to deactivate all the timers inherited from the parent. */
void mill_timer_postfork(void);
2 timer.c
// 定时器精度控制,rdtsc先后读取ticks差值超过这个值则gettimeofday更新last_now
#define MILL_CLOCK_PRECISION 1000000
// 返回gettimeofday获取的系统时间,单位seconds
static int64_t mill_os_time(void) {
#if defined __APPLE__
struct timeval tv;
int rc = gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
assert(rc == 0);
return ((int64_t)tv.tv_sec) * 1000 + (((int64_t)tv.tv_usec) / 1000);
// 获取当前系统时间(注意这里的时间是有cache的)
int64_t mill_now_(void) {
#if (defined __GNUC__ || defined __clang__) && (defined __i386__ || defined __x86_64__)
// rdtsc获取系统启动后经历的cpu时钟周期数量
uint32_t low;
uint32_t high;
__asm__ volatile("rdtsc" : "=a" (low), "=d" (high));
int64_t tsc = (int64_t)((uint64_t)high << 32 | low);
static int64_t last_tsc = -1;
static int64_t last_now = -1;
if(mill_slow(last_tsc < 0)) {
last_tsc = tsc;
last_now = mill_os_time();
// 如果在精度范围内返回上次获取的系统时间,超出精度范围则更新系统时间
if(mill_fast(tsc - last_tsc <= (MILL_CLOCK_PRECISION / 2) && tsc >= last_tsc))
return last_now;
last_tsc = tsc;
last_now = mill_os_time();
return last_now;
return mill_os_time();
// 定时器列表,列表中定时器是有序的,时间靠前的排列在前面
static struct mill_list mill_timers = {0};
// 往定时器列表中添加定时器,保证链表中定时器有序(按过期时间升序排列)
void mill_timer_add(struct mill_timer *timer, int64_t deadline, mill_timer_callback callback) {
mill_assert(deadline >= 0);
timer->expiry = deadline;
timer->callback = callback;
/* Move the timer into the right place in the ordered list
of existing timers. TODO: This is an O(n) operation! */
struct mill_list_item *it = mill_list_begin(&mill_timers);
while(it) {
struct mill_timer *tm = mill_cont(it, struct mill_timer, item);
/* If multiple timers expire at the same momemt they will be fired
in the order they were created in (> rather than >=). */
if(tm->expiry > timer->expiry)
it = mill_list_next(it);
mill_list_insert(&mill_timers, &timer->item, it);
// 从定时器列表中移除定时器
void mill_timer_rm(struct mill_timer *timer) {
mill_assert(timer->expiry >= 0);
mill_list_erase(&mill_timers, &timer->item);
timer->expiry = -1;
// 返回定时器列表中首个定时器的剩余超时时间
int mill_timer_next(void) {
return -1;
int64_t nw = now();
int64_t expiry = mill_cont(mill_list_begin(&mill_timers), struct mill_timer, item) -> expiry;
return (int) (nw >= expiry ? 0 : expiry - nw);
// 执行所有超时的定时器绑定的回调函数,返回是否有调用定时器的回调方法
int mill_timer_fire(void) {
/* Avoid getting current time if there are no timers anyway. */
return 0;
int64_t nw = now();
int fired = 0;
while(!mill_list_empty(&mill_timers)) {
struct mill_timer *tm = mill_cont(
mill_list_begin(&mill_timers), struct mill_timer, item);
if(tm->expiry > nw)
mill_list_erase(&mill_timers, mill_list_begin(&mill_timers));
tm->expiry = -1;
fired = 1;
return fired;
// 初始化定时器列表(postfork?fixme!!!)
void mill_timer_postfork(void) {
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